Monday, August 20, 2007


We came home from work one day and found that Petra has been replaced. If you ask her what's her name, she'll reply "Winkie!" We have grandma to thank for this. Apparently she was so thrilled by Petra being able to wink, that "Winkie" became a nickname, and stuck like a bug on a windshield. We can just picture the poor lost child telling security her name is Winkie, or the bailiff saying "All rise for the honorable Winkie Lindstrom." I'm sure it will stick with her forever.

The three of us survived 3 weeks of vacation (meaning the babysitter was on vacation, not us). A week with grandma and grandpa (swimming pools, beach, Chico's), a week at home with grandma (beach, travel town, first bus rides), and a week split with mommy and daddy (park, bakery, beach, aquarium). She had a wonderful time, and it's amazing how much she has changed in just three weeks. She talks much more, using whole words and short sentences. She has a mind like a steel trap, remembering everthing about the garbage collecting process (garbage truck, pick up, empty, go dump, grass in green can, etc.), the names of all her friends at the bakery (Carmen, Josephine, Robin), and of course, Winkie.

We nearly did her in though. We ran her so ragged, on the night before going back to "school" she was super cranky and running a fever. Poor thing! We ended up putting her to bed an hour early, and running the fan on her all night. But this morning she was back to her normal cheerful self, with no hint of fever. Such a good baby!

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