Monday, August 6, 2007


A very busy week! Grandparents galore (all of them, one after another after another!). Parks, beaches, playgrounds, shopping, swimming. Whew, I'm tired just thinking about it! Petra has been great for all the g'rents, making them feel VERY special (which, of course, they are). How special is grandma? This morning, Petra wanted to go see grandma BEFORE she even had any boob!

We're trying to figure out pronouns at the moment. Petra has a rough idea of how they work, but how the heck do you teach the first and third person? "You" clearly means "me" or "mine" to Petra (after all, we always are referring to her when WE say "you"!). Nowhere was this more apparent than the other day at the playground when her cracker-keeper cup went rolling down the slide. A kid materialized at the bottom and grabbed a handful of crackers. Petra shouts "Youuuuuu!!!" and (cue adventure music a la "Indiana Jones") flings herself down the slide grabs the cup and yanks it out of the other kid's hand. We have some issues with possessiveness, even if we aren't to clear on the possessives!

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