Saturday, September 1, 2007

Such a Mouth!

Petra and Mommy are both conked out on the bed, so time to blog!

Petra's language skills have shot through the roof recently. Not only in improved pronunciation, but also in concepts. A few examples:

Rocket ship, space, planet stars
Garbage truck, garbage black can, grass green can, Dump it
Big blue bus, pay money, bus token
Choking hazard (used to describe coins and buttons)
Hedgehog, hippo, giraffe, monkey, lion, bunny, etc.

She's started using lots of verbs (she's very carefully testing out -ing right now- do-ing, runn-ing, jump-ing), and the occasional mild profanity ("Crap!" when she dropped an earring off the dresser). We've gotta be more careful with our language!

Her brain is almost scary! So sweet and smart!

Of course, her brain is burning up at the moment. Poor thing has a fever, and in the middle of a heat wave at that. If she hasn't cooled down by tomorrow it's off to urgent care for us all! Mommy had strep a couple of weeks ago. I just hope Petra hasn't become a carrier (like her dad!).

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