Monday, July 7, 2008

Growth Spurt

Seems we are in the midst of another growth spurt. Petra said "I'm Hungry!" about every 40 minutes yesterday, which piqued our suspicions. We measured her and she's grown nearly an inch in the last month! This might explain some of the transitions difficulties as well, as the food is less frequent than she is used to at pre-school.

Today was the 4th day of transition, but in many ways was like starting all over again. A long weekend (lots of fun, museums, playing with friends, beach etc.) made her pretty much forget about the new school. She was pretty upbeat about it this morning though, and wasn't upset about going (and Dada taking her). I gave her lots of warning that I would be "going to a meeting" in a bit, but that didn't cut it when it was actually time for me to go (after her 2nd breakfast). There were big tears and clinging. I distracted her with a quick scavenger hunt to find the cots in the classroom, and then some sea-creatures bingo, and snuck off. I could hear her crying as I fetched my things from the car though, and that felt bad.

I spent the morning in the school conference room with another transitioning parent (child also in Petra's class) who was literally in tears several times about the transition, and who couldn't help but constantly go to peak into the classroom or play yard. I didn't get any work done, but I certainly feel better about myself as a parent of an independent girl!

Around 11, the teacher let me know that Petra had been OK, on and off sad, but easily distracted into new activities. Part of validating her feelings (one part of the 5 step conflict resolution method they use, and a phrase Petra has already picked up- "she didn't validate my feelings!") included Petra dictating a letter to Mommy:

"Dear Mommy:
I want to go home. When you pick me up I want to eat at my house. Then I want to play with you and Daddy. I want to do it NOW!!! I love you. Are you here yet?
Love, Petra"

Poor girl!

Just before lunch, the teacher told me that she wanted to send Petra home just before nap again. I offered the counter proposal of coming to the room after lunch, and tucking Petra in to see if she would nap, because I think she really wanted to sleep in the cots, and if she was comfortable enough to do that, she'd be making a huge leap. The teacher accepted this (Yay! Reasonable people!). When I got the call to her room, I got to the door, and the teacher said she was already lying down in the cot to nap. I decided to just wait outside, and if Petra wasn't sleeping, I'd come in to help her. But our girl is a champ, and after about 25 minutes, fell asleep! Good girl!

I immediately ran out for coffee and a burrito. I was starved and sleepy. The other parent had left before nap, and I needed a break!

I got back before nap ended, so waited outside until I saw Petra up (so cute taking her sheet off her cot and putting it in her bin to put away). She looked a bit sleepy, and even looked at me and then away before looking back smiling and saying "Dada! You're here!"

We stayed around for a bit, I helped her decorate a label for her bin, and sat with her during snack ("I'm still hungry!" was repeated at least 4 times between servings). Then she washed up and was ready to go.

We had a good drive home, and then read some books, and took a walk around the block with her riding in the wagon. We played some hopscotch and chatted with local friends until Mama got home. When a neighbor asked how school went today, she said she had fun and told about things she did. Yay!

We'll see what happens tomorrow with Mama in the room!

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