Sunday, December 30, 2007

Busy Social Calendar

As if Christmas wasn't enough, Petra has had a super busy week! In addition to daily runs to the park, on Thursday she visited the "dinosaur museum" (and became a member, including a free gift of the "Owl Puke" learning kit) where she saw lots of dinosaurs that she knew ("A Triceratops!" she says, while an older boy seconds later points and says "A Dinosaur!"), and a few she didn't. She loved seeing them all, and asked lots of questions. She also liked the old-school animal dioramas. She went barreling through the "Africa" animal hall to the Elephant/Giraffe diorama, stood up on the rail and said "We're in Africa!" (much to the amazement of some adults taking in the scene). She loved excavating "fossils" in the discovery center, and learning about bugs stuck in amber (she herself became "stuck" every time we passed the amber exhibit, and a few times at home since then). The only disturbing part of the trip (for me at least) was how many times I heard comments like "Well, if a day was really millions of years long, then...." coming out of people who clearly didn't understand or believe in evolution.

Friday we met Katie at Travel town for some big train action, then went to Katie's for a long nap, playtime, dinner, a bath, and bed (well, she and Katie tucked into bed, but didn't go to sleep).

Saturday was Jenna's 2nd birthday party (Jenna is at the same daycare as Petra). All Jenna's relatives were searching the crowd to identify Petra, whom they had heard so much about from Jenna. Lots of kids were there, and they all got along very well. We were the last to start heading for the door, and were instead invited to stay for dinner. Petra and Jenna had a great time playing and having dinner together. You could tell both hit the wall at the same moment though. Petra yanked a toy away from Jenna and said "No! Mine!", and Jenna started crying and put her head down on my knee. Clearly, they had had all the fun they could handle. We'll have to arrange a play date though, they get along so well!

There are lots of new pictures in the Photo Album, don't miss them!

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