Saturday, February 17, 2007


Since tomorrow is Petra's 16 month birthday, we were checking the AAP book to make sure she was hitting her developmental milestones on time. You could say that. The book says at 18 months or so, your baby should have about 15 words she uses regularly. Just to be sure, we did a quick count. Hmmm, she might be a *LITTLE* bit ahead of the curve. In alphabetical order her words (and signs) are:

  1. Baby (Sign)

  2. Ball

  3. Banana

  4. Bath

  5. Bed

  6. Bird

  7. Blue ("color")

  8. Boat

  9. Boot

  10. Bowl

  11. Box

  12. Brush

  13. Candle

  14. Candy

  15. Car

  16. Cat

  17. Cereal

  18. Cheese

  19. Cold

  20. Crab

  21. Cracker

  22. Cup

  23. Dada

  24. Dog

  25. Door

  26. Dora (!)

  27. Duck

  28. Fish (Sign)

  29. Flower

  30. Glasses

  31. Go

  32. Grass

  33. Hat (Sign)

  34. Hello

  35. Hot

  36. Hug

  37. Keys

  38. Mama

  39. Moon

  40. No

  41. Noodle

  42. Nose

  43. Phone (Sign)

  44. Piper (The cat)

  45. Pole

  46. Pool

  47. Pull

  48. Puzzle

  49. Quiche

  50. Raisin

  51. Sasha (The dog)

  52. Shoe(s)

  53. Swim

  54. Toes

  55. Touch

  56. Tractor

  57. Two ("Number")

  58. Vanna (The anti-cat)

  59. Water

  60. Yogurt

Many of these are somewhat less than the proper English pronunciation (Banana comes out "nanananana," but she uses them consistently, and always for the correct objects/actions. A couple are used in place of the generic term- "Two" stands for any number or letter at the moment, and "Blue" for any color. And a dozen or so are signs left over from her pre-verbal stages.

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