Sunday, April 23, 2006


We all survived our first week of day care/going back to work. Daddy was aided by a disconnected phone, making it easier to play 3 months of catch up. Petra handled day care very well (at least from the parents point of view). Mommy drops her off at 8am with a kiss and no screaming, and daddy picks her up at 5 with a smile. Karan, the day care provider, has the worst of it though. Petra is sucking up about 95% of the effort at the moment (and she has 5 kids in the daycare). They are still trying to work out a schedule, and Petra's naps are as short as they were when daddy was taking care of her. We haven't actually seen her crying, but it must happen. I'm sure things will work themselves out. Meanwhile, Petra is being fed 4 bottles a day, and a jar of baby food- more than expected. Mommy had to pump all weekend to stock us up, poor thing. I'm guessing that Karan is using it to keep her quiet, rather than because Petra is hungry, and that they'll scale back a bit as Petra starts to sleep more, and they get used to each other.

It will also probably get better as Petra starts crawling and can entertain herself better. She's already "pre-crawling" by rolling up onto her hands and knees, but she doesn't get far before ending up on her tummy and crying about it. We can't set her on the bed safely anymore though, because one good stretch, lift, lunge can send her off the edge (daddy had to leap across the bed to catch her the other morning).

With her more active, our goal for the weekend was to babyproof the house. Uh, well, we bought a toilet lid latch. Are we done? And I know I have outlet plugs around here somewhere. I did take the giant axe out to the garage too. Are we safe yet?

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