Wednesday, February 8, 2006


Petra is in much better shape for sit-ups than daddy is. Daddy had a pleasant case of viral gastroenteritis over the weekend, and is still in the recovery stage (just be glad you can't hear my stomach rumbling on the blog). Petra, on the other hand, is doing great at sit-ups. She can't quite do it herself yet, but she can stay upright pretty well now, though the balance is a little iffy.

Petra's also doing pretty good with tummy time now, starting to push herself up with her arms rather than just arching her back to raise her head and chest up. We picked up a Tiny Love playmat on Craigslist and she's having fun kicking those things about. The person who sold it to us threw in a great set of chimes for it as well, and Petra loves making them ring.

Speaking of rings, Petra has really taken to grabbing, gumming, and flinging the Haba wooden rings that we bought her. Her hand-eye coordination is just to the point where she can grab them well and pass them hand to hand to mouth. But obviously what she likes most is hurling them as hard and far as possible. She's nearly killed the laptop twice flinging the rings at grandpa during a videoconference.

Mirror Mirror
Petra also recognizes herself in the mirror. We were doing a diaper change at the Hammer Museum show "Masters of American Comics" (regrettably a short very short visit), and there was a full length mirror behind the table. When she stood up and saw herself she did a little dance and gave a sweet giggle. She's seen herself in several other mirrors, and it always catches her attention (well, unless she's crying).

Quinny 1, Bugaboo 0
Coming out of the Hammer, we were waiting to cross the street near a couple with baby in a bugaboo. They were having a hushed conversation, casting glances back at us, and finally the woman broke away and asked "where did you get your stroller?" Hah! Quinny Zapp wins again!

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