Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Into the fray

I couldn't go too long without jumping into the whole Huggies vs. Pampers debate, could I? Before Petra arrived we picked up a zillion (well, 1 bag of a zillion) Huggies. "Such a deal" we thought, in that big Midwestern way. At the hospital, the room was stocked with Pampers swaddlers, and they sent us home with about a week's worth of those. Having the Pampers on hand, and being used to them, they seemed perfectly acceptable. We had no serious containment breaches (other than those caused by daddy's learning curve) in the first week (I partly credit this little internal gasket seal they have- pretty spiffy). Then last night, we ran out of Pampers and started using the Huggies. Uh Oh!

First off, the Huggies don't seem to fit as well (they are the smallest infant size)- they hang WAY down, and have lots of extra paper sticking out everywhere. All this extra material doesn't help at all- instant containment breach, very serious! Both out the back, and out the leg holes. Pretty obvious that if you can see the baby's private parts through the gaps, they won't do a very good job catching anything coming out of them. Even worse, she managed to take a pee right out one of those leg holes WITHOUT EVEN TOUCHING THE DIAPER!

So, first thing this morning, we were off to Tarzhay to pick up some more Pampers. Maybe after she grows (!) a bit more she will fit them better, and we can try again, but for now my money (literally) is on Pampers swaddlers!!

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