Today is my last day home with Petra and Alison. Tomorrow I go back to work. Between the 2 weeks off, leaving Petra, and daylight savings, it's looking to be the Monday from hell. I hope I can make it through the day without seeing my baby! Alison promised to email and send pictures if anything exciting happened. We need to try out the iChat videoconferencing too!
Today was a nice day, if too short. We went to Farmer's Market again with friends for brunch, and to show Petra off a bit more. Back home, we lounged in the back yard, ate delicious pumpkin spice cake that Alison made (nesting anyone?), and feasted on lamb stew that I made for dinner. Only Petra's traumatic bathtime put a damper on the evening (oh, and that whole going-back-to-work-tomorrow thing).
I'm still paranoid about the bench theft (and it turns out they stole the sleighbells we had on the front door as well!). I've rigged the iSight camera to record the gate and send me updates if anyone tries to come in, but that shotgun thing is sounding better and better!