Sunday, April 19, 2009


Last Sunday, in between egg hunts, Petra's hair was getting in her mouth yet again. As she fished a strand out, Alison asked her if she would like to get her hair cut. For the first time, the answer was affirmative. Of course, it was Easter Sunday, and it seemed unlikely any haircutting establishments would be open, we decided to try a DIY job. Alison zipped inside for the scissors and a towel, and between the two of us we seem to have done an okay job.

She seems pretty pleased with the results:

Then, it was back to egg hunts:

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Yesterday was spent playing with Jenna, hunting easter eggs, and decorating bunny cookies. No nap though, so Petra passed out within minutes of Jenna leaving (about 5:30). Of course, at 5:30 this morning there are calls from her bedroom "Is it easter? Did the easter bunny come?"

Yes, the easter bunny did come.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Anatomically Correct

Petra was choking a bit on a grape last night. To make sure she could talk (and thus breathe) I asked her "Did it go down your esophagus or your trachea?".

She answered, a bit despondently, "My trachea"

She was right of course!